Terwijl bij mij de voorbereidingen voor DE marathon van het jaar in volle gang zijn (Berlin jawohl!), zijn er mensen die het gewoon vinden om bijna dagelijks een marathon te lopen. What the…! De 69-jarige Larry Macon liep in 2013 239 (georganiseerde) marathons en verbeterde daarmee zijn eigen record. plaatste onderstaand artikel. Ik zeg: petje af voor deze kilometervreter!
[heading size=4 style=underline]69-Year-old breaks record for most marathons in a year[/heading]Larry Macon ran 239 marathons in 2013.
For the fourth time, 69-year-old Larry Macon has broken the Guinness World Record for marathons run in a year with 239 in 2013, according to the Guinness World Record website. That’s 6,261.8 miles in a 12-month period spanning from December 1, 2012, to November 30, 2013.
Macon, a San Antonio lawyer, started running marathons in 1996. In 2008, he finished 105 marathons to capture his first Guinness World Record for most marathons run in a year. Two years later, he ran 113 marathons and in 2012, Macon ran 157 marathons to break his record a third time. “The hard part is traveling from place to place, making connections and going 2-3 days without sleep,” Macon told Runner’s World Newswire in January. “Once you get to the race, you can always run, walk or crawl to finish the 26.2 miles.”
Two other runners — Trent Morrow and Annette Fredskov — tried but failed to break Macon’s record in 2013. Morrow ran 161 marathons to beat the 2012 record, and Fredskov ran 366 marathons, but her races were not official road races. Macon also told Newswire that he ran 255 marathons during the 2013 calendar year, which could later be verified by Guinness.
In the video below, Macon talks about three marathons he ran during the 2009 Memorial Day weekend.